AIMS5.0 - The next big step in digital transformation
Strengthening European manufacturers, by adopting, extending and implementing AI-enabled hardware/software components and systems across the industrial value chain.
The AIMS5.0 work package clock work
AIMS5.0 consists of 9 work packages:
WP 1 will deliver sensors generating data to be processed in WP2 and provided for the system in WP3 and WP4. While WP3 is on networking the systems, the processed data are transferred to the open access platform in WP4.
The operating principle will then be demonstrated in several use cases with WP5 focusing on OEM and Tier1, and WP6 focusing on Tier2 use cases comprising the complete semiconductor supply chain.
After a general alignment with the Industry5.0 standards (sustainable, human-centric, resilient) in WP7, WP8 works as a transmission belt of the project findings to the real world, with maximum external impact.
The complete AIMS5.0 work package clockwork is supervised and managed in WP9, part of which is this website
Exploring and providing AI-enabled components for future fabs and the next generation of industrial systems.
Aiming at the bottom level of the future AIMS5.0 systems, the focus is on elaborating intelligent components and systems for the edge. The research activities include sensors that provide input data upon which the project environment calculates appropriate controls.
To achieve unprecedented levels of detection and analysis, mapping of sensor-fusion algorithms are applied together with AI Inference. Equally important is the enhancement of processing elements with AI edge accelerators, which need to provide sufficient computing resources while adhering to prerequisites such as low power, reliability, fault tolerance, and cost-effectiveness.
Apart from integrating the next generation of AI-enhanced sensors with communication and the system, an appropriate test and validation environment are created for the digital twinning of the sensor edge node.
Leader WP1:
(UzL) Universiät zu Lübeck, Mladen Berekovic
(IFAG) Infineon Technologies AG, Patrick Moder
Work package 2
AI tools, methods and algorithms for sustainable industrial processes
The goal is to develop new algorithms as well as to refine and integrate available AI-related algorithms for sustainable industrial processes.
To this end, requirements from the use cases are aggregated and structured based on target domain, data volume or feature needs. Collaborating with other WPs, widely accepted, verified and validated AI methods, algorithms and tools for sustainable industrial processes are provided.
Further, the activities aim at covering gaps based on the aggregated and structured requirements, in relation to methods and algorithms to be either created or refined. The scope ranges from statistical through Bayesian methods, random forests, k-means and versions of Artificial Neural Networks to state-of-the-art Deep Neural Networks, Reinforcement Learning and explainable AI-related technologies.
Leader WP2:
(BME) Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Pal Varga
(EDI) Elektronikas un datorzinatnu instituts, Kārlis Freivalds
Work package 3
Cyber architecture for AI supported sustainable production
The major step is to enhance existing architectures for the use of AI to support and optimise manufacturing systems and processes, addressing sustainability measures and existing or emerging standards.
So far, System of Systems (SoS) micro service-based AI-supported automation is still in early adoption in the industry and most usage can be considered experimental. In order to tap their full potential, the project focuses on elaborating new cyber architectures for an AI supported intelligent production environment.
The approach is the usage of micro service-based edge (SoS) architectures and implementation platform extended with engineering and integration capabilities and tools for efficient integration of AI algorithms and AI hardware. Besides, new approaches concerning the information, material and energy flows of AIMS5.0 are elaborated.
Leader WP3:
(LTU) Luleå University of Technology, Jerker Delsing
(TIAG) TTTech Industrial Automation AG, Anna Ryabokon
Work package 4
Creation of an open access platform
Providing an open access platform to improve the exchange of data within the supply chain of an industrial domain as well as the exchange from an industrial domain to its market.
The targeted AIMS5.0 open access platform contains the data processed in WP2. It is an intelligent open access platform, consolidated, matured and advanced; partners will present applicable market orders.
The default domain is the semiconductor industry and its connected supply chains. The DR (Digital Reference) from the previous digitalisation project Productive4.0 forms the backbone for the intended platform. The goal is to prove that the semantic web based on the DR enables a seamless data exchange, the use of those data in a conventional way and via software or human agents.
Beyond that, a further development of the DR ontology is necessary to overcome barriers identified during the application, extending the ontology for further markets and integrating with other industrial ontologies, for instance those from Industrial Data Space.
Leader WP4:
(FUH) Fern-Universität in Hagen, Lars Mönch
(IFAG) Infineon Technologies AG, Hans Ehm
Work package 5
Use cases for AI in Production for OEM and Tier1 stakeholders
Applying AI as an integrated approach for various disciplines and domains in the production.
Focusing on OEM and Tier1 stakeholders, this work package is to show the feasibility of the core technological and business project findings as a major step towards Industry5.0.
In doing so, it validates the achievements in WP1–WP4, through the demonstration of innovative AI solutions in digitalised manufacturing environments leading to sustainability across the complete value chain. They are implemented into AI lifecycle approaches based on the vision of zero CO2 emissions, as well as AI enhanced value chains.
Enabling mass customization for added consumer value, the next steps include connected market actors, which are involved in service delivery. For an AI enhanced sustainable connection between production and logistics, three-dimensional digital twins of existing factory sites are created.
The AI solutions will be applied, evaluated and improved concerning its ecological, social and economic impact in manufacturing to achieve operational excellence as well as balanced manufacturing systems.
Leader WP5:
BMW AG, Thomas Irrenhauser
UPM Univ Politécnica de Madrid, Eduardo Juarez
Work package 6
Artificial Intelligence for Operational Excellence in the ECS (Tier 2 Use Cases)
Tier2 use cases comprising the complete semiconductor supply chain. They focus on Artificial Intelligence for operational excellence in (ECS) for cross validation and application of the project findings
Focusing on Tier2 stakeholders, 29 partners work on 12 industrial use cases to enhance productivity, sustainability and resilience using the technologies of WP1-3, including failure detection with digital twins. Attempting to boost the competitiveness of manufacturers, WP6 will deploy AI solutions in a highly complex autonomous production environment.
The relevant fields are intelligence for production planning and control, smart and AI-based material handling and logistics; and AI-driven maintenance management and quality control.
The use cases will benefit from each other by an exchange of know how. Moreover, WP5 and WP6 will perform regularly joint workshops.
A major step towards Industry5.0 will be the cooperation with WP7 using the possibilities of the IoT to improve existing workplaces with enhanced automation and information systems. At least, first concepts will be tested and validated to reduce the CO2 footprint for green and eco-efficient fabs.
Leader WP6:
(IFD) Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH & Co. KG, Germar Schneider
(HSZG) Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Fabian Lindner
Work package 7
Human acceptance, trust and ethics for Digital Workspaces
Aiming at human acceptance for trustable AI from the social and ethical side of AI technology development.
The main objectives are to set up a checklist and self-assessments for all use cases respectively those, which entail industrial AI to a large extent which also provides the means for a holistic evaluation of the use cases. Further, a guideline will be developed on how to apply AI in digital workspaces in the European e.g. semiconductor/ automotive industry, considering change management and skills development.
Within the guideline, the role of current standards as well as standards in development, regulations in sustainability as well as ethical and legal boundaries, and the gender dimension are considered. In a last iteration, recommendations regarding change management within the digital workspace are further developed.Leader WP7:
(PCL) Philips Consumer Lifestyle BV, Olga Kattan
(RSA) Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Markus Tauber
Driving standardisation efforts addressing dissemination and support exploitation, including a collection of training kits produced by the technology and use case WPs.
In line with the priorities of the “New Green Deal”, AIMS5.0 will contribute to the diffusion of sustainable production practices. It coordinates and provides assistance to all activities related to the exploitation of results and IPR protection, research dissemination and communication in general as well as to standardisation.
Beyond that, a continuous process is run for the whole timespan of the project to monitor and assess the full impact of the project. Results of the ongoing analysis are published as concise reports with clear information to stakeholders concerning the relevance and significance of the research achievements with regard to policy, economy, industrial strategies, and societal needs and concerns
Leader WP8:
(DAC), Marek Tatara
(AIT) Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Erwin Schoitsch
Work package 9
Project management
Establish an appropriate environment for the AIMS5.0 brain pool
The goal is to establish a creative and efficient environment to guarantee a successful and sustainable job of the consortium for the benefit of the European Digital Industry. As a coordinator, Infineon ensures that all partners of the brain pool can work and cooperate as smoothly as possible and without unnecessary obstacles.
Apart from the project management, a proper communication of all project objectives and results is taken care of. All related activities aim at a professional positioning of AIMS5.0 on a regional, national and European level. They are aligned with KDT, European clusters and the ARTEMIS/ECSEL/KDT Centers of Innovation Excellence.
Leader WP9: Infineon Technologies AG: Thomas Gutt,/ Alfred Höss, / Anna Lackner,